Black Holes Are Portals From One Plane To Another
We have been questioning about where a black hole in our universe lead to. But have we ever considered that we and our entire physical universe is actually a black hole itself? A black hole that is from another universe?
A black hole is a singularity. Our physical universe is one continuous flow of energy. So it is a singularity.
If our physical universe is a black hole from another universe, then that universe must be infinitely larger than ours. Probably even beyond the dimensions of time and space itself. The answer is that, the physical universe is a black hole from the astral plane.
If our universe is a black hole from the astral plane, then where does a black hole in our universe lead to?
When something enters a black hole in our universe, it becomes so compressed until it is beyond the dimensions of time and space. It disappears out of physical reality and enters a different plane of reality. A black hole in the physical universe is a portal to the astral plane.
You can say that a black hole opening up on the other side of a plane of reality is a white hole. The connection between the two planes would be called a wormhole.
All theories of the stable existence of a wormhole have fallen apart except for one. It is the stable existence of the wormhole as the result of matter on one side and exotic matter on the other side.
Any matter that enters a black hole in our universe including light will not be able to exit out into the other side or out the same side. The theory for matter to escape is that it must become negative in mass, or exotic matter. The theory of negative mass is like anti gravity matter. In this state, it can exit the black hole.
The truth is, exotic matter is not matter with negative mass. There is no such thing as negative mass. Everything has mass, being negative in value compared to another is simply a relative term. Exotic matter is simply matter that is less dense than light. It is matter that has changed in rate of vibration to the point it becomes finer than beam. In this case, exotic matter would be etheric matter. Anything that is less dense than light would be repelled by normal gravity from physical matter but attracted by etheric gravity from etheric matter.
Thus objects with negative gravitational mass (both passive and active), but with positive inertial mass, would be expected to be repelled by positive (physical) active masses, and attracted to negative (etheric) active masses. Gravity would work similarly to the electric force except that like masses would attract and unlike masses would repel.
In the physical plane, anything that enters a black hole will be compressed beyond the physical dimensions of time and space and become thought wave or etheric matter. Thought wave is the only thing that is free to go wherever it wants to. Thought wave can’t be trapped in the middle of a wormhole.
People who travel through a tunnel a light into the astral plane during OBE or after death, are in fact traveling through a black hole in etheric state. They pass out of the etheric state of physical reality and into the astral plane. An etheric black hole opens up right where he is in the etheric plane the moment he imagines himself traveling through a tunnel of light into the astral plane.
A person in an OBE is in etheric state which is thought wave. He can pass through the worm hole to the astral plane and back easily. On the physical/etheric side, he is thought wave in the etheric state. On the astral side, he is thought wave in the astral state.
When you enter a black hole of the physical plane in physical state, you will cease to exist physically and have died to the physical dimension. It is better to enter in the etheric state instead, since you cannot return to the physical plane if your physical body has disappeared from physical reality unless the universal mind allows you to manifest in temporal physical form.
Anything that enters a black hole of the astral plane which is timeless and spaceless will collapse into physical time and space. Just like the double slit experiment where a wave is collapsed into a particle in time and space. It will exist purely in the etheric thought wave state or be condensed into any other state of matter according to the will of the universal mind.
The truth is, black holes are not needed for inter-plane traveling because all that is required is just the change in rate of vibration. Black holes, tunnels, portals are just forms of experience in passing through from one plane to the other.
So understanding the true nature of a black hole brings the relation of the seven states of matter to completion or full circle. A black hole in the physical universe transforms all other states of matter to the zero state, and then to the sixth state directly. From Matter Wave to Thought Wave.
So this is the full cycle of manifest of the physical universe. Matter changes state from thought wave to beam, to plasma, to gas, to liquid, to solid, to matter wave and back to thought wave. From the Ether to the black hole and back to the Ether. From Alpha to Omega to Alpha.
A black hole is the beginning of the end.
There is a time dilation close to a black hole for an outside observer and everything moves very slowly there, almost stops. The galaxies can move billions of light years but close to a black hole it is a tiny movement only.
When we are close to the astral plane, physical time around us slows down while physical time away from us continues as usual. When space compresses, time expands.
From the physical point of view, our space has collapsed. But from our point, our space is normal. From the physical point of view, our time has expanded. But from our point, our time is normal. Physical time has been frozen and physical space does not even exist in our dimension.
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